

Low-profile High-Performance IEEE488 GPIB Interface for PCIe Bus

Key Features
  • PCI Express 1.1 compatibility
  • Fully compatible with IEEE 488.1 and 488.2 standard
  • Up to 1.1 MB/s data transfer
  • Onboard FIFO for reading/write operations
  • APIs provided compatible with NI-488.2 driver software
  • Supporting industrial-standard VISA Library
  • Interactive utility for testing and diagnostics



The IEEE-488 standard, also known as GPIB, is a bus interface that connects instruments with a computer to form an ATE system. Today, GPIB is still the most popular interface between computers and instruments. Tech Square’s USB-3488A, LPCI-3488A, and LPCIe-3488A controller interface cards are fully compatible with the IEEE-488.2 instrumentation control and communication standard and are capable of controlling up to 14 stand-alone instruments via IEEE-488 cables. The USB-3488A, LPCI-3488A, and LPCIe-3488A are designed to meet the requirements of high performance and maximum programming portability.

With APIs that are compatible with NI-488.2* driver software and VISA support, the USB-3488A, LPCI-3488A, and LPCIe-3488A offer the best compatibility with your existing applications and instrument drivers. Tech Square has also implemented the GPIB interface on our PXI/ PXIe controller product line.

Tech Square takes advantage of our proven expertise in PCI/PCIe interface cards when developing these GPIB interface cards. The LPCIe/LPCI, in the low-profile PCI form factor, can adapt to most industrial and desktop computers. A 2 KB FIFO between the GPIB bus and PCI controller buffers GPIB read/write operations, eliminating the gap between the slow GPIB bus (approx. 1.5 MB/s) and the fast PCI bus (132 MB/s), dramatically increasing overall system performance. The Tech Square USB-3488A is further equipped with 32 KB FIFO for the read/write operations, for maximum transfer rates exceeding 1.2 MB/s.

Ordering Information

  • aTCA-3430 -:
    320G Bandwidth Fabric Switch
  • ADLINK PacketManager -:
    Layer 2/3 Fast Forwarding, Port Mirror, VLAN, Trunk, STP, ACL, Link Aggregation, Pipe, Static Routing, OSPFv2, RIP v1 & v2
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