Automation Product Software Development Kit

Key Features
  • All-In-One Solution in Automation Field
  • APS Library – Softmotion Support All Motion and I/O Products
  • MotionCreatorPro2 – Utility to manage ADLINK’s All Motion and I/O Products
  • Hardware and OS independent but Programming Style Consistent
  • ADCNC Library – 2D Path/Velocity Optimization, etc
  • Motion Function – -T/S-Curve Velocity Profile, Interpolation, etc
  • Application Function – Position Comparison and Trigger Out, etc
  • Advanced Controller – PID Plus Feedforward Gain Control, etc


APS means “Automation Product Software”. APS library provides users a uniform interface to access all of the Tech Square products that support it. It can cover many automation fields, especially machine automation. The most important component in machine automation is motion control. APS library was first born with motion control which co-working components such as system platform management, field bus communication function, general digital input/output, general analog input/output, and various counter/timer supports are all built-in components in APS. The APS library will be an all-in-one solution in the automation field of Tech Square products.

Key Functions

APS Library Key Features

Motion Functions

Home Return Modes
To ensure motion repeatability, the mechanism must reset to the zero-position via the dedicated sensor point “ORG”, normally completed by combining “ORG”, “EL” and “Index” signals.           

Position Override
After movement begins, the position target can be changed on-the-fly even if the motion reaches maximum velocity.


Spiral Interpolation
If the start point and destination of a circular interpolation movement lie on different planes, a Spiral function is required to directly regulate the movement.



Speed Override
Changes rotation speed on-the-fly while the axis is running.



Continuous Move

Continuous movements comprise a range of linear and circular interpolated paths. Point-Table functions support hundreds of paths to smooth the velocity of continuous movement supported by included velocity planning software.

Simultaneous start/stop can be executed on multiple axes in one card, or multiple axes across multiple cards, using software or external input signals. This feature is especially beneficial for complicated motion patterns requiring absolute synchronization of multiple axes.


Path Blending
Anticipating sharp corners and small arc path execution, path blending is required to decelerate automatically and ensure smoothness of the velocity at junctions of two linear paths.


Velocity Planning

Velocity planning is required to smoothly implement continuous movement and reduce vibration. The velocity of each path is generated automatically according to corner angles of complete paths.

Programming Languages


IEC 61131-3
In the third section of the open international standard IEC 61131 for programmable logic controllers, CODESYS (provided by the 3S enterprise) is integrated into specific Tech Square motion controllers.


Supported Device List



Product Type Product Model
EtherCAT PCIe-8338/8334/8332
DSP-based Pulse-Train AMP-204C/208C
Pulse-Train PCI(e)-8154/8158
Closed-Loop PCI-8254/8258
Pulse-Train PCI-8102
Pulse-Train PCI-C154(+)
Pulse-Train PCI-8144
Distributed PCI(e)-7856
EtherNet EMX-100
Distributed MNET-4XMO-(C)
Distributed MNET-1XMO
Distributed HSL-4XMO
Distributed HSL-DIO


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